Senator Biden? You Got My Attention!

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After watching the Democratic Debate last week I thought it was Biden who made the most of what little time he was given. His foreign policy remarks were dead on, and considering today’s events in Pakistan, all the more relevant. Below are two clips from the debate regarding Pakistan, followed by the first few paragraphs from a BBC news report on today’s events in Pakistan… Scary.

[flvplayer /video/biden_debate.flv 440 330]

“Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf has declared emergency rule and suspended the country’s constitution.

He defended his actions in a national address, saying he was curbing a rise in extremism in Pakistan.

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry has been replaced and the Supreme Court surrounded by troops, who also entered state-run TV and radio stations.

The moves come as the Supreme Court was due to rule on the legality of Gen Musharraf’s October election victory.”

More from the BBC…

Post by ILO on 11/04/07 at 12:23 am