Feb 032010
No seriously, it’s worth your time. An episode of Frontline called the Digital Nation aired last night exploring how the internet and related technologies have touched our lives, for the both good and ill. The segment on multitasking in the 8 minute clip below is particularly telling. Not because the conclusions reached aren’t obvious, but because it so succinctly describes the state most of us find ourselves in when we are “connected.” Watch:
The entire episode is 90 minutes definitely worth the time and can be watched at PBS.com.
Feb 022010
The historic Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings began today. Entire hearing is below.
Jan 282010
No… it’s not me! But Steve Hayes does remind me of a few of my friends… you know who you are! This is a total hoot especially if you love the classics. Enjoy.
H/T to JoeMyGod.
Jan 282010
Spurred by an ant-gay comic strip which appeared in a student paper a few weeks ago, hundreds of students and some faculty members gathered on the Notre Dame campus to demand more equality for LGBT students. Watch:
The original comic strip which promoted gay-bashing below.