Two new anti-gay marriage bills surfaced in Congress this week, targeting the recent DC Council vote recognizing same-sex marriages preformed elsewhere.
The first measure, H.R.2608 or the D.C. Defense of Marriage Act will “define marriage for all legal purposes in the District of Columbia to consist of the union of one man and one woman.” Introduced by Rep. Jim Jordan (R) of Ohio and Rep. Dan Boren (D) of Oklahoma, the bill already has 33 co-sponsors, all Republican except for Mike McIntyre (D) of North Carolina.
Another measure, H.J.Res.54, “disapproves” of the DC Council’s decision to recognize gay marriages. Introduced by Rep. Paul Brown (R) of Georgia, the bill seeks to overrule the actions of the DC Council, which is within the prerogative of Congress which has 30 days to act on the decision.
Considering the strong Democratic majority in Congress, it is unlikely either bill will get out of committee, much less reach the House floor or land on the President’s desk.