Sep 182009
In a recent poll conducted by Daily Kos/ Research2000, Maine voters chose to overturn gay marriage by a slim 48%-46% with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 points. Voters were asked the question:
As you may know there will be one question on the ballot this November in Maine addressing the issue of same-sex unions. In part it will read “Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry?” A yes vote takes away the right of same-sex couples to marry. A no vote keeps the right of same-sex couples to marry. If the election were held today would you vote YES or NO on this question?
Results below:

Marc Muty, chairman of Stand for Marriage Maine which supports overturning marriage equality responded to the numbers:
“The poll results will likely galvanize our opponents to continue to call us fear-mongoring liars, even as legal scholars and other experts in the field — including some in our opponent’s own camp — independently raise the serious negative effects and conflicts inherent in legalizing homosexual marriage … As our opponents continue to duck the real issues of the campaign in favor of name-calling, and independent experts substantiate our claims about the negative consequences of LD 1020 becoming law, we have every confidence that we will win the hearts and minds of Mainers on November 3rd.”
Unfortunately, it’s starting to feel like California to me…
Sep 182009
More from the Value Voters Summit 2009: MSNBC reporter Brian Mooar tried to hold down the fort in the face of heckling by attendees at the Values Voters Summit. Good TV.
Yeah… maybe he was little disruptive. But that’s where the organizers put Mooar to broadcast. And that’s where he stayed. Unlike a Fox News broadcaster… which got some love from attendees as well.
Sep 182009
A-list bigots, religious zealots and rightwing hypocrites are holding a meet and greet at the Values Voter Summit 2009 in Washington D.C. this week. Everyone from Rep. Michelle Bachman to actor-turned-minister Stephen Baldwin are on hand to rally conservatives against the teaming hoards that threaten the very fabric of this nation: the gays, the liberals, and one black president.
In the clip below Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage introduces pro-opposite marriage darling and almost-Miss California Carrie Prejean.
Okay… some one fetch me a bucket. Next up, Carrie Prejean.
Intolerant? And the crocodile tears? Oh please make the pablum stop!
Sep 152009
Congressman Jerrold Nadler of New York introduced the “Respect For Marriage Act,” in the House today which seeks to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
At a Capitol Hill press conference, Nadler called the Respect for Marriage Act “the first step to overturning the Defense of Marriage Act and sending that ugly law into the history books where it belongs.”
“Our bill ensures that all married couples, including lawfully married same-sex couples, will have the same access to federal responsibilities and benefits, including critical programs like Social Security that are intended to ensure the stability and security of American families,” Nadler said.
The repeal legislation would only facilitate federal recognition of same-sex marriages — not civil unions or domestic partnerships. Additionally, the bill contains a “certainty provision” allowing married same-sex couples to receive the federal benefits of marriage even if they move to a state that doesn’t recognize their union.
Nadler said the task ahead in trying to overturn DOMA “is not easy” and that he expects opponents of repeal to try to keep DOMA on the books by “making false claims that our bill will force same-sex marriage on unwilling states.”
The bill has already garnered 90 co-sponsors, including Reps. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Jared Polis (D-Colo). Noticeably absent from the list is Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), who believes the bill is not achievable in the short term.
Video from today’s press conference below:
Earlier this year Nadler introduced the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) which unfortunately has stalled pending larger immigration reform.