Bigots, zealots and hypocrites on parade at Values Voter Summit 2009

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Carrie Prejean at the Values Voter SummitA-list bigots, religious zealots and rightwing hypocrites are holding a meet and greet at the Values Voter Summit 2009 in Washington D.C. this week. Everyone from Rep. Michelle Bachman to actor-turned-minister Stephen Baldwin are on hand to rally conservatives against the teaming hoards that threaten the very fabric of this nation: the gays, the liberals, and one black president.

In the clip below Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage introduces pro-opposite marriage darling and almost-Miss California Carrie Prejean.

Okay… some one fetch me a bucket. Next up, Carrie Prejean.

Intolerant? And the crocodile tears? Oh please make the pablum stop!

Post by ILO on 09/18/09 at 3:08 pm