May 272009
To the disdain of of many pro-marriage equality groups, Theodore B. Olson and David Boies who argued Bush v. Gore back in 2000, are challenging Proposition 8 on the grounds the ruling creates a class of “second-class citizens” thereby violating the the U.S. Constitution. Representing two same-sex couples under the newly founded American Foundation for Equal Rights, the legal odd couple will fight Proposition 8 all the way to the Supreme Court. Video from today’s press conference.
Pro marriage equality groups are concerned that if the battle for same-sex marriage reaches the Supreme Court, a ruling in our favor is unlikely considering the conservative-leaning makeup of the court, possibly setting the movement back years. Others suspect that there is conspiracy at work on behalf of the Right to derail the same-sex marriage movement entirely by pushing same-sex marriage into the Supreme Court before gaining enough public support and before the Court is ready to rule favorably.
May 262009
It will be a light posting day here at as we wrap our heads around today’s terrible ruling. While my marriage may have been saved, I’d rather not be a part of a special group that has rights while others do not.
Here are few more pictures from today’s rally outside the California Supreme Court…
So tell me who… who is the divisive little @#!$ carrying the GAY = PERVERT sign in the first and last photo? While I certainly disagreed with all of the “pro” Prop 8 signs… at least they were civil and not disrespectful unlike THAT ONE.
May 262009
If you visited the popular social news website today you may have noticed the not-so subtle change to their logo:

Thanks reddit for recognizing that a lot of us are unhappy today too. Please send them feedback and let them know you appreciate their support.
I wonder if any other businesses out there are unhappy with today’s decision (hello Google, are you listening?). If you run across anything please leave them in the comments section.
May 262009
The California Supreme Court in a 6-1 ruling has decided to uphold Proposition 8 which amends the California Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. The 18,000 same-sex marriages performed prior to the election will remain valid however despite the ruling as most analysts expected. It’s unclear if the marriage equality victories in Iowa and several New England states had any impact on the Court’s decision.
The earliest Prop 8 can now be overturned is 2010 or 2012 provided a ballot initiative is introduced that ultimately strikes down the amendment.
There are several events throughout the country this evening to protest the Court’s decision. Please visit the Day of Decision website for a complete list of cities and events.
Photos from today’s ruling outside the California Supreme Court: