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Views from Abroad

photography, travel 2 Comments »

While it’s been over a month since returning from London and Paris, the memories of our journey are still planted firmly in our minds. London was predictably overcast but full of history and intrigue, while Paris was an unexpected treasure. A beautiful gem of a city, I was surprised to find myself preferring it to London, and see us visiting the City of Lights sooner rather then later…

And while it has taken a bit of time, I have finally culled the nearly 2000 pictures we snapped in Europe down to a barely manageable 400. Of those 400 I have placed over 200 pictures from both London and Paris in my gallery. It may take some time to load, so please be patient and enjoy.

London Calling…

photography, travel No Comments »

We are crossing the pond this weekend, visiting London and Paris for a much needed break. This is my first trip to Europe and can’t wait to roam the halls of Windsor Castle with the Queen Mum, and scour the Louvre with Danny Brown, hoping he can explain what all the fuss is about.

In our absence I will be bringing down my blog Inside, Looking Out, and redirecting it to a photo travelogue that I will update daily while we are gone. Once we return from our trip order will be restored and Inside, Looking Out will resume, business as usual.

I hope you enjoy the photos. Be sure to check daily, as I will be adding pictures each evening, and sometimes during the day as well.

Cheerio and au revoir.