May 072009
The Catholic church has called it a scandal. They’ve stripped Albert Cutie of his position as pastor of his church. They’ve taken away his radio show he will be sent away to reflect and pray.
No… he’s not a pedophile…. he simply kissed and hugged a woman on a beach.
Oh the hypocrisy.
May 052009
The Maine House of Representatives has voted to grant same-sex couples the right to marry by a vote of 89-58. Last week the Maine Senate voted 21-14 for same-sex marriage as well.
A recent poll shows Maine voters are evenly split on the issue. And, while it remains unclear if Governor Baldacci would sign the bill should it reach his desk, he has suggested recently that he would favor the legislation.
May 052009
Over at, our favorite homophobe Peter LaBarbera drops some pearls of wisdom on the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA), viewing it as yet another attempt to grant special rights to homosexuals. If only UAFA had a “reverse” provision to ship folks like him OUT of the country.
“We don’t need to start providing government benefits and special treatment to relationships based on homosexuality, which many people regard as a sin,” says LaBarbera. “I think this is an egregious example of special rights for homosexuals.”
The pro-family activist contends that homosexuals and their supporters are using this case to push for the passage of the Uniting American Families Act (H.R. 1024), which would give homosexual Americans the right to sponsor foreign-born partners for residency.
“This is a ridiculous piece of legislation,” exclaims LaBarbera. “Americans are already concerned over illegal immigration. I don’t think most Americans want to give incentives to bring more homosexual activists into the country, which is what this case embodies.”
I’m all for yanking soap boxes out from under homophobes and bigots, denying them the attention they so desparately crave. Many suggested I should have done that instead of posting Joe the Plumber’s outrageous but totally in-character quote yesterday… But I think in some cases, letting these outrageous statements run wild in the media/blog echo chamber marginalizes these creatures further.
And that’s a good thing.
May 042009
From Christianity Today…
Christianity Today
In the last month, same-sex marriage has become legal in Iowa and Vermont. What do you think about same-sex marriage at a state level?
At a state level, it’s up to them. I don’t want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it’s wrong. People don’t understand the dictionary–it’s called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It’s not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we’re supposed to do–what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we’re supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I’ve had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn’t have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they’re people, and they’re going to do their thing.
Please, please tell me when his 15 minutes are up!