Nov 012009
Posting will be a little light this month as I’ll be participating in this year’s National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. Every November tens of thousands of would-be novelists from across the world hunker down in front of their computers, their typewriters, their notebooks and napkins, and write a 50 thousand word opus. And the prize? The novel you’ve always dreamed of writing.
Sure it sounds a little crazy, maybe a lot crazy. To reach that 50 thousand word goal by the end of the month means churning out nearly 2000 words a day, which sounds pretty scary the more I think about it. But I’m going to give it a go, in the hopes of recapturing the literary voice of my youth, as corny as that sounds. 🙂
I’ll still be covering the major events that happen over the course of the month however, starting with the votes in Maine and Washington state later this week, so I won’t be abandoning the site entirely.
So your patience and encouragement during this period is most welcome. Feel free to comment here from time to time, as I may even blog about my progress, or lack-there-of.
Also if you’d like to sponsor my efforts please visit my Night of Writing Dangerously page. Thanks!
Oct 142009

No, that’s not where I’m going, unfortunately. But I can dream, can’t I? Actually the hubby and I are heading up to the water-logged northwest for a few days of rest and relaxation. I’m leaving Inside, Looking Out in the capable hands of my best pal Joe who’ll be filling in during my absence. So fellow travelers, please drop by and make him feel at home. Until next week…
Jul 162009

These are difficult times. Most everyone we know is cutting back. Some of us are looking for work, myself included. But for many these times are especially tough, like those struggling with HIV and AIDS. A situation made worse by Gov. Schwarzenegger’s threat to slash $80 million in AIDS/HIV funding, which would be used for prevention, education, testing, treatment and housing.
This weekend is AIDS Walk 2009 in San Francisco, and we will walk as we do every year. If you are able, please consider making a gift, no matter how small, to continue the fight against AIDS, and to help make up the difference for those who are unable to give. The AIDS Walk is our community’s single most powerful and enduring response to the AIDS epidemic, as the struggle against this disease is far from over. Every 9 1/2 minutes someone becomes infected with HIV. In the U.S., one in five people already infected don’t even know. And in San Francisco alone, 25,000 live with HIV every day.
If you are unable to give, please consider walking with us instead. The greater our visibility, the louder our message.
If you would like to sponsor Inside, Looking Out by making a donation, visit Thanks!
Mar 292009
Trekkies! Christians! And Atheists, oh my! In last night’s hysterical episode of Family Guy, series creator Seth MacFarlane doesn’t spare the rod in “Not all Dogs go to Heaven,” and we are all much better for it. Particularly us Trekkies — I mean Trekkers — as the entire cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation lend their voices to the show.
And for our international brethren…