Sep 302009
The television ads may be having an impact… In a new poll published by Democracy Corps, Mainers favor marriage equality by 9 points from a sampling of 800 plus registered voters, an 11 point swing from the previous poll. Results below:

The latest ad below…
A lot can change over the next 30 days. Show your support for Protect Maine Equality.
Sep 222009
Seems there’s still some bad blood between General Motors and Michael Moore vis-à-vis his film Roger & Me, which painted an unflattering view of the automaker some 20 years ago. GM has now banned Michael Moore from Detroit theaters they own where he is premiering his new film Capitalism: A Love Story. Watch:
The trailer for Moore’s new film below:
Sep 222009
On November 22, 2009, the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, former child actor turned Christian evangelist Kirk Cameron will be distributing 50 thousand free copies of the book at top colleges and universities with a new 50 page introduction. Written by partner in crime Ray Comfort, this new addition aims to discredit Darwin by calling him a racist, a misogynist and connecting his theory of evolution to Adolph Hitler
As described by Cameron, this new introduction provides a balanced view of creationism, while exposing the various myths surrouding evolution. As evidence, the text also cites a number of scientists who believed in God, including Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727), Copernicus (1473 – 1543), Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626), Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867), Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) and Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)… All dead. What?! No living scientists? Surely they exist.
Kirk Cameron introduces this new “Origin of Species” in the clip below.
As to provide some additional background on Ray Comfort, in the clip below he describes the divine inspiration behind the banana, which he calls the “Atheists worst nightmare.”
Sep 182009
In a recent poll conducted by Daily Kos/ Research2000, Maine voters chose to overturn gay marriage by a slim 48%-46% with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 points. Voters were asked the question:
As you may know there will be one question on the ballot this November in Maine addressing the issue of same-sex unions. In part it will read “Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry?” A yes vote takes away the right of same-sex couples to marry. A no vote keeps the right of same-sex couples to marry. If the election were held today would you vote YES or NO on this question?
Results below:

Marc Muty, chairman of Stand for Marriage Maine which supports overturning marriage equality responded to the numbers:
“The poll results will likely galvanize our opponents to continue to call us fear-mongoring liars, even as legal scholars and other experts in the field — including some in our opponent’s own camp — independently raise the serious negative effects and conflicts inherent in legalizing homosexual marriage … As our opponents continue to duck the real issues of the campaign in favor of name-calling, and independent experts substantiate our claims about the negative consequences of LD 1020 becoming law, we have every confidence that we will win the hearts and minds of Mainers on November 3rd.”
Unfortunately, it’s starting to feel like California to me…