Oct 132009
Lost in all the hubbub last week about the National Equality March, Judy Shepard appeared on Ellen to talk about her son Matthew, how her life has changed and how far we’ve come. Unfortunately we still have a long way to go. Be sure to watch all the way to the end…
Oct 122009
Missed a few of the speeches from yesterday. Chairman Julian Bond of the NAACP makes a strong case for gay rights at the National Equality March over the weekend. He is power speaker and worth the time. Enjoy.
Part 1
Part 2
Oct 112009
Update: The White House disavows the statement. From the Plum Line:
“That sentiment does not reflect White House thinking at all, we’ve held easily a dozen calls with the progressive online community because we believe the online communities can often keep the focus on how policy will affect the American people rather than just the political back-and-forth.”
Oh. No. They. Didn’t.
Nice try invalidating our march. Sure, we’re just like the fringe that believed women should have the right to vote. And the fringe that demanded civil rights for blacks.
From John Avarosis @ Americablog:
So the gay community, and its concerns about President Obama’s inaction, and backtracking, on DADT and DOMA, are now, according to President Obama’s White House, part of a larger “fringe” that acts like small children who play in their pajamas and need to grow up. (And a note to our readers: The White House just included all of you in that loony “left fringe.”)
I wonder how the Human Rights Campaign is going to explain how the White House just knifed our community less than 24 hours after he went to their dinner and claimed he was our friend.
If standing up for equality means I’m part of the Internet Left Fringe, then I wear the badge proudly, & so should everyone else. Badge below.

Oct 112009
Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black speaks at the National Equality March rally.