May 292009
Yesterday we posted a video called The Defenders which took a humorous but ultimately serious take on what the “Defenders” of traditional marriage will do once they have struck down marriage equality for all. Today another gem from filmmaker Keith Hartman called “The License.” Enjoy.
May 292009
David Hyde Pierce who starred on the popular television series Frasier and in multiple shows on Broadway, discussed Prop 8 on the View yesterday, telling the California Supreme Court that his marriage to his partner of 25 years was none of their business. Watch:
It’s nice to see a celebrity with fire in the belly as to the injustices of the Prop 8, instead of the sugar-coating we so often see.
May 282009
Brenda Lee, anti-gay journalist and self-proclaimed Roman Catholic priestess who was trying to hand President Obama a letter asking him to support traditional marriage, was dragged away from Air Force One kicking and screaming as she insisted on personally delivering the message since no one would pass the President her note. From NBC Los Angeles…
She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.
Lee, who was wearing what she described as a cassock, said she protested when she was asked to leave.
“I said, ‘Why are you bothering me?’ They escorted me outside the gate,” she said.
Two officers then picked her up and carried her out.
“I was afraid you could see under my clothes,” she said, her voice choking up.

I’m sorry. You just can’t make this shit up.
May 282009
After the “Defenders” of one-man, one-woman marriage defeat gay marriage… who will they go after next? Check your bible for clues or just watch the cute short film below…
This one’s a keeper… spread it around.