The Faces of Pride

general, photography 2 Comments »

pinkladies.jpgAnother San Francisco Pride has come and gone. Saw a number of good films at the festival, including The Bubble, Shelter and Semper Fi. And actually managed to head out to the parade for the first time in many years.

I must admit I have been jaded with the parade for some time. I’vet long felt that it has been hijacked by various interest groups that seem to have less to do with the gay experience and more to do with pushing some political agenda.

But there was one thing I saw at the Pride parade that I had missed. And that was the PRIDE. Pride in what makes us all the same. Pride in what makes us all different. Sure the media is going to focus on drag queens and the half naked dykes on bikes, but who cares. I can reflect afterward on the skewed focus on our community, but while I’m there, all I can see is how beautiful (almost everyone 🙂 is, and how happy we are. Because this is our day.

At least that hasn’t been taken away from us… at least not yet.

Anyways, off my soapbox. I snapped quite a few pics. Some not for the faint of heart. Mom & Dad, you’ve been warned. 🙂

San Francisco Pride 2007 Photos

Kitten Survives, Clings to Life

general 9 Comments »

In Santa Rosa, CA late last week, a small kitten was found burning to death in a small cage. While still alive, the kitten, now named Adam, is barely hanging on. As a pet owner, and a cat owner in particular, I was moved and angered by the story. Apparently two girls watched, laughing, as the kitten was burning alive, and thankfully Adam was soon rescued by a kind neighbor.

While a small local story, much smaller than navigationally-challenged whale story that unfairly dominated the news some weeks back, I still feel compelled to write about it. I’m saddened that people will sit idly by, even worse, take pleasure in a defenseless, tiny, animal crying for life in front of them. Speaks ill of the children, and frankly of the parents as well, oh, and society too.

Part of me hopes that the girls and whomever decided to end Adam’s life that day, are caught (there is $6000 reward and counting), and given more than a small taste of what Adam experienced that day.

If you wish to donate to the welfare of Adam or find out how he is doing, please visit Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County. I am sure any support you can provide would be of great help to Adam and those taking care of him as they do a great service for our community.

How about a cup of oversight with that, Mr. President?

politics 1 Comment »

Well it’s been a while but it’s nice to see a changing of the guard in the halls of Congress. For the first time in 12 years we have a Democratic majority, and here’s hoping that some much needed oversight will stop certain individuals from running roughshod over the Constitution, and the will of the people.

Also of note we have the first woman Speaker of the House, Congress woman Nancy Pelosi from the fine state of California and the even finer district of San Francisco. You go girl!

But I know many of you are fed up with our government, every politician a crook or worse, and feel the change in leadership will have no impact, no negligible effect. I ask them to keep in open mind, hold out a little hope. We’ve had six plus years of unilateral control, in an environment suppressive of alternate ideas. Now the Democrats have the majority, and a voice, and a tremendous opportunity to do some good. But despite their best efforts or good intentions, much of that could quickly be crushed by the weight of the Iraq war. Or if they buckle beneath the business-as-usual attitude, the results will be the same.

But I’m hopeful. Change is good. Anything is better then what we have now, and I think many would agree. But what will it take to make our country a better and safer place? Here are the issues I would like to see addressed with meaningful progress made or even laws passed (in no particular order):

  • Immigration Reform
  • Stem Cell Funding
  • Job Outsourcing
  • Lobby Reform
  • Minimum Wage
  • Climate Change
  • 9/11 Commission Recommendations
  • ISG Recommendations
  • Prescription Drug Reform
  • Healthcare Reform
  • Manhattan-Style Project for Alternative Fuels
  • Balanced Budget

It’s a long and meaty list, but it’s hardly complete. I’d like to hear what you think they should focus on. You’ll notice I left off gay marriage and impeachment off the list.

Gay marriage would be great, but won’t contribute to the survival of this nation, and nor do I think the electorate is ready to have it crammed down their throats. I think the gay marriage debate came too early and set it back — civil unions with equal rights first, and then gay marriage. But that’s just me.

As for impeachment, as much as I yearn for it, its all-consuming nature would lay waste to many of the issues that need to be addressed. We’ve been dug a pretty deep hole, do we need to dig any further? But if initial investigations reveal the tastiest of fruit and the will of the people demand it? Who am I to argue?

But let me be the first to say this. If little or no progress is made on any of these fronts, then they all need to be thrown out, every single one of them, by force if necessary. Like the Beatles said, sometimes you need a Revolution. Do you think I’m kidding?

Anyways, look for more changes soon! New design and more posts over the next few weeks so stay tuned!