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Support the San Francisco Zoo

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I would like to draw your attention to a worthy cause highlighted by my good friend Mark D’Elicio with regards to the San Francisco Zoo, and the proposed legislation that would ban elephants and give the city oversight of the care and condition of the zoo’s animals.

You can read more about the propososed legislation on his blog here.

A Rant By Any Other Name…

general, humor 1 Comment »

Here are some new rants… enjoy.

  • Oversized spoilers that either help the vehicle in question to achieve escape velocity or serve as a place to hang your wet laundry.
  • People who insist on placing the word “good” before “morning” when speaking, presuming that there is anything good about being awake before noon.
  • Van Helsing on DVD.
  • Our cyclist brothers and sisters who demand equality on the road but shirk any of the rules and responsibilities that govern that road.
  • People arriving late at the theater who ask you to move over one seat (when you’ve been there for over an hour) to make room for their screaming baby and their ritalin-starved 12 year old.
  • People who feel that the value of freedom when earned is the same, as when it is given.

    The Daily Rant

    general, humor 1 Comment »

    Once again I have let far too much time pass between posts and have missed you all terribly in my absence. 🙂 Working on our short film Will has taken up a gargantuan amount of time. However despite the taxing schedule of writing, shooting and editing a film, I still find time to bitch. As my friends know, there is no end to it. It’s my nature. Frankly, I sometimes don’t know how people put up with me. 🙂 So, as an exercise that will hopefully have a cathartic effect, I’ve decided to note down some of those things and expose my inner B for all to see. Some of them are painfully trivial and quite silly, and others I expect you will clearly identify with. I would like to call this new section, the “Daily Bitch”, but since my parents actually visit this site, I will instead give it a G-Rated name.. The Daily Rant. I cannot promise that I will update it daily, as I am often to busy bitching about the world around me to post anything, but I encourage feedback and your own rants to fill in the gaps. Let’s blow off some steam together.

    So today I will start out with the list below. This is by no means a complete list, and nor is it any particular order. And believe me, nothing is to too Politically Incorrect to post. And it is only the beginning.

    • People who practically have to scale their grossly over-sized vehicles like it was their personal Mount Everest are obviously compensating for some inadequacy they hope is comfortably hidden, but in reality is painfully transparent to us all.
    • Packs of motorcycles that swarm through traffic prentending our ride home is their Motorcross.
    • The server at Chilis who insists on on replenishing my tea every time she wanders near, forcing me to dump yet another package of Splenda into my glass.
    • On hold listening to a message in a foriegn language waiting an eternity to hear: “Press 2 for English”. Last time I checked, English was the primary language in this country and deserves to be “Press 1 for English”.
    • People who think “Everybody Love’s Raymond” is actually funny.

    That is all for now… Post away!

    Back to Business

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    Now that Dolby and the Razzle Dazzle DVD behind me, it’s time to move on to better and bolder projects. Currently I’m putting together a promotional site for a friend who is writing the definitive book on the Friday the 13th movie series. And in an attempt to make myself more marketable, and develop some revenue-generating projects of my own, I am going to teach myself PHP and MySQL, as my former specialty, Cold Fusion, seems likely go the way of the Dodo.

    I plan to split my time evenly between web and film. It’ll be tricky, juggling coding, screenwriting, and doing preproduction for the film. Lunched in between of course, job hunting. I trust you all will keep me sane and grounded.  More soon…