Dec 252007

I’d like to wish each and every one of you a wonderfully merry Christmas and marvelous new year! As I look back on 2007 one of the things I will most remember is the renewing of old friendships, just as others seem to be drifting apart. I hope that 2008 will be a time of restoring bonds with those who make our lives so much fuller and richer simply by being near.
Much love to my partner, parents and friends. And to all, be safe this holiday season.
Dec 022007
When I began this website nearly 4 years ago, I did so in the midst of an 18 month wasteland of unemployment. It was a tough go. The economy was still reeling from 9/11 and the air had been sucked out of Silicon Valley’s sails. Sure there was the odd job here and there, but nothing permanent, or remotely secure.
Now we are hitting the end of 2007 and Christmas is nearly upon us. It is a time of merriment and good cheer, of spending time with family and friends. It also happens to be a popular time to lay people off.
Unfortunately the company I worked at for over two years sent me packing last week. It didn’t completely surprise me… there had been a gradually decreasing amount of work and an uncertain recovery from a failed merger several months before. But I suspect like most people I find that the timing really pisses me off. How about we move the end of the fiscal year til spring? That way any need to compensate for year-end losses will fall long after the holiday season is over. Sounds sensible to me. Who do I call?
In any event the job quest begins anew. For now the wasteland is no where to be seen. But I suspect it sits just over the horizon. Just out of view.
Until next time…